ULD PARTNER has a range of ULD available for leasing, provide a flexible solution for customers to ease various operation issues.
- AOG lease with immediate availability and delivery in less than half day
- Fixed-term lease for inaugural flights and chartered flights
- Corporate leasing solution for on demand request
- Long term leasing with airlines branded ULD and buy-back option
- Long term leasing with maintenance services inclusive
Currently, we provide common pallets and containers at our facilities in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou.
Flexible leasing period and charging method to best fit your long and short term demands
Support ULD pick up and return from different locations
Provide common ULD certified by FAA, HKCAD & CAAC, suitable for all international routes
Standard Basic Leasing Terms & Conditions
- Lease rate can be charged on the basis of daily per unit, monthly rate or once-off fees, subject to mutual agreement.
- Lease charge shall commence on the day the ULDs leave ULD Partner's workshop until the day the ULDs return to ULD Partner's workshop.
- During the entire leasing period, the Lessee is responsible and shall compensate ULD Partner for any and all damage to the ULDs, except for normal wear and tear. All repair and maintenance of the ULDs shall be carried out by ULD Partner workshop.
- Separate charges incur for repair and/or modification of the ULDs, if required.
- Upon inspection of returned ULDs, repair cost quotations will be provided to Lessee for confirmation, and repair invoice will be provided to Lessee upon confirmation. Repair rate shall be mutually agreed prior leasing period.
- If the ULD is claimed to be lost by the Lessee, the Lessee shall pay ULD Partner for a loss fee. Lease charges for the ULDs shall continue to accrue until the Lessee provides a written notice to declare loss of the unit.
- The Lessee shall not make any alterations to the ULDs without prior written consent of ULD Partner.